The team:
- Codetoffel
- Hackschnitzel
- …and Hackerbaby 😉
Had the idea we finally created for the LD contest, Dev of the watersystem, particle effect (waterfall) and the most important thing, the canonballs + spawner and physics. Killing the really hard bugs. (But also causing some) Keeper of the Sourcecode and GIT Master.
GameManager, SoundManager, Sounds, 3D Objects (the Ship), Music, Input Script, ShipHealth, Easteregg.
Idea for the AaaRrr / Scream. Sounds (not taken into the final game) and MOST IMPORTANT – taking care of my wife on the whole Ludum Dare weekend.
*This blogpost was created after the Ludum Dare GameJam from the Logs and Screenshots.
Related Post: Ludum Dare 38 – D101 – Planning
[Original Post with ID [873] was published on 2017-04-22 07:22:11/2017-04-22 06:22:11]
Related Post: Ludum Dare 38 – D108 – Prototypes
[Original Post with ID [887] was published on 2017-04-22 10:10:12/2017-04-22 09:10:12]